Kusto Detective Agency
Walkthrough of answers for Kusto Detective Agency Season 1
Welcome to the Kusto Detective Agency!
Hints: Remember if you get stuck to refer to the hints in this answer sheet and in Kusto Detective Agency before checking the answers!
Your first task is to create a free Kusto cluster which will be your primary investigation tool. Then you’ll have to answer a simple question to get started. To create a free Kusto cluster, you need either a Microsoft account (MSA) or an Azure Active Directory (AAD) identity.
Create your cluster here: https://aka.ms/kustofree
To provide your cluster uri you can use the following command:
The Kusto summarize operator is used to compute aggregations over specified data columns, allowing for data analysis in your queries.
The rarest book is missing!
This was supposed to be a great day for Digitown’s National Library Museum and all of Digitown. The museum has just finished scanning more than 325,000 rare books, so that history lovers around the world can experience the ancient culture and knowledge of the Digitown Explorers. The great book exhibition was about to re-open, when the museum director noticed that he can't locate the rarest book in the world: "De Revolutionibus Magnis Data", published 1613, by Gustav Kustov. The mayor of the Digitown herself, Mrs. Gaia Budskott - has called on our agency to help find the missing artifact. Luckily, everything is digital in the Digitown library:
Each book has its parameters recorded: number of pages, weight.
Each book has RFID sticker attached (RFID: radio-transmitter with ID).
Each shelve in the Museum sends data: what RFIDs appear on the shelve and also measures actual total weight of books on the shelve.
Unfortunately, the RFID of the "De Revolutionibus Magnis Data" was found on the museum floor - detached and lonely. Perhaps, you will be able to locate the book on one of the museum shelves and save the day?
The weight measurement on the shelves isn't absolutely precise. The shelves' data includes book references (rf_ids) and the total weight of the books as measured by the shelf
Election fraud?
The mayor of Digitown, Mrs. Gaia Budskott, has found herself in quite a pickle. The election for the city’s mascot was run online for the first time, and it was a huge success! Or was it??
Over 5 million people voted. Four candidates made it to the final round:
Kastor the Elephant – The darling of Digitown Zoo
Gaul the Octopus – A Digitown celebrity, who was a whiz at predicting who’d win the local soccer games
William (Willie) the Tortoise – Digitown’s oldest living creature (estimated age - 176.4 years)
Poppy the Goldfish – ex-Mayor Jason Guvid’s childhood pet
The polls predicted a close battle between Kastor and Gaul, but the actual results showed that the ex-mayor’s fish got a whopping 51.7% of all votes! That sure does sound fishy... The mayor is afraid of a vote-tampering scandal that could affect all elections in Digitown! You’ve helped her out last time, and she’s counting on you to get to the bottom of this mystery.
If voting fraud happened – prove it and correct the election numbers: what percentage of the votes did each candidate get?
You have access to the elections data: IP, anonymized id, vote, date-time - and the function used for counting the votes.
Analyse votes for anomalies, particularly focusing on Poppy's votes
Last updated